Thank you so much for your interest in the ‘ERASURE30’ letters project we’re running as part of Erasure’s 30th Anniversary celebrations. There are three sets of letters in circulation: one in the UK and Europe; one in North America; and one in Australia and New Zealand…


The idea behind the project is that the wooden letters I had made for Erasure’s 30th anniversary will tour the world over the duration of the anniversary. They will be sent from one fan to another and each person will photograph them in a place (or perhaps some places) that means a lot to them. I hope the letters will end up being photographed in cities and countryside, up mountains, in jungles, by the sea, in deserts… basically anywhere where there are Erasure fans.

We have had hundreds of people sign-up to host the letters so we’re not accepting more applications at the moment, but if the letters make it to a country where there are not many stops I may ask for people to come forward via the email newsletter. Fingers crossed!

If you have already registered and wanted to check the details again, then here you go:

The photographs of the letters in your chosen location don’t have to be fancy or high-tech (the ones I did were taken with the camera on my phone), but please bear in mind that I will be using them on the front of the website, and on social media so there need to be versions that work as a square image and also as a longer, thinner landscape ‘letterbox’ shape.

Once the photos are taken then please send them to me and I will format them for online use and add the titles and credits. Don’t forget to tell me where the letters are located!

You can have people in the pictures too (however those people must be happy to have their picture used in this way) but if you do that please can I also get pictures of just the place too?

Thank you again for getting involved!

