First of all I want to thank you all for your very useful feedback in response to my recent questions about merchandise and meet and greet photographs, the results of those surveys are basically what this email update is all about!
I have also set up a dedicated From Moscow To Mars Party page on the Erasure website which gives me a place to add information in the run-up to the party itself so do feel free to check it for more information from time to time. Any newsletters I send out about the party will also be available on that page so if for some reason an email doesn’t reach you then you know where to get all that information! The information page is on the Erasure website HERE and once again the password to get in is waitingforastar 🙂
Here’s today’s update…
Well the results of the survey were overwhelmingly that you would like to see a From Moscow To Mars Party t-shirt and souvenir laminate made available to buy, and I am pleased to announce that those two items are exclusively available from Lexer Music right now. Sadly not enough people voted for a poster to make that item feasible, but two out of three ain’t bad! The t-shirt is available here, and the laminate is available here.
1. You overwhelmingly voted that these items should be exclusively available only to the people attending the party and should not be made available to the wider EIS membership so please don’t share the shop links with people who are not attending the party (each order will be manually approved and any orders from people who are not on the party guestlist will be cancelled), and please be sensitive of the feelings of people who weren’t able to get tickets by not sharing the details and images via social media and so on.
2. Each person attending can purchase one t-shirt and/or one laminate and the shop will only be open for orders until October 14th at which point the items will be manufactured to meet the exact order quantity. If you purchased two tickets then you can place two orders for a t-shirt and/or laminate. See the Lexer Music pages to see the t-shirts and laminates and for all the details of how everything will work.
3. Your order will not be shipped to you in advance of the party but will be available to collect from Lexer Music at the venue on the day of the party.
I also surveyed everyone to find out if you’d be interested in having a professional photographer available on the day to take proper pictures of your meet and greet sessions with Vince and Andy. The response was overwhelmingly that you would like to see this happen so I have found a photographer who has said that he will bring in all the lights and cameras etc to take care of this for the incredibly generous fee of just £2 per person, which will cover his expenses and give you access to high resolution downloads of the pictures after the event, which you can then use online or to get prints made. More details of how that will all work as soon as we’ve locked down the fine details!
There’s a section for Frequently Asked Questions on the website page and I will add more details to that page as we move forward, based on the questions that I’m being asked by people. But in the meantime to answer a question that I am seeing again and again: yes, there will be seating available throughout the event! The venue doesn’t usually have seating but I am hiring in chairs for the Q&A session and although we’ll clear them off the dancefloor for the Erasure performance and the DJ sessions I will make sure that lots of them are still in the room for the duration of the event.
If you have any special requirements for the evening please do let me know in advance (just reply to this email) so I can work with the venue to accommodate you.
Thank you all for your positivity and your enthusiasm, not long to go now! 🙂
Erasure. Always.